

Delicate, magical and mystical, she was Mother Earth and Lady Spring.  Everything she touched blossomed and the Hobbits loved her. She was the morning sun and the evening star. She was known for her long golden tresses that fell below her shoulders.

Goldberry is the inspiration for this next song I would like to share from My Classical Trilogy. Just click on the link to listen.

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Classical Trilogy

I first started writing songs when I was nineteen. I was a jumble of emotions back then just like a lot of teenagers. I was lucky enough to have this musical spark in me and I felt the need to express myself musically. At the time I had just finished reading “Lord of the Rings Trilogy by J.R.R. Tolkien and I was inspired to do a musical background for the books.

This was my first attempt at songwriting and it was a little daunting at the beginning but after the first few tries my confidence grew. My imagination ran wild as I brought Middle Earth to life. I was inspired by the mystical atmosphere, vivid landscapes, horrible monsters and great villains created by Tolkien’s imagination.   It turned out to be a major project. When I was finally finished I had 25 songs under my belt and that felt good. I felt at that point I could do anything.

Time has passed but Classical Trilogy always remained a favorite. When the movies came out it was interesting to see how the film makers expressed themselves. I think they did a good job with the movie and the music but I think I did pretty O.K. too. I’d like to share with you a sampling of three of the songs in Classical Trilogy. Please give a listen and tell me what you think. Click on the titles to listen. Thanks.


 The Departure of Boromir

Fond Farwells

Sounds from the Golden Hall