Classical Trilogy 3

These three songs represent the middle of Classical Trilogy. They are among my favorites.  So sit back and take a listen…

Thanks, Marc


This is the first song I ever wrote. It is very green to me. What do you think?

Lady Of The Golden Wood

This is my ode to Spring with all the vibrancy of the season.

Helm’s Deep

This was written in three parts. I wanted to make the music sudden, urgent and dangerous.

Am I creepy enough for Halloween?

It’s funny about songwriting. I started writing this in a romantic vein and for many strange reasons that are unknown to me it morphed into a song about a Halloween spook. The character came from nowhere and declared himself. It’s fun to create and watch your creation take over.

Please listen and tell me what you think.  Am I creepy enough for Halloween?

Thanks, Marc

Click image to listen

“Don’t Count on Me.”

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Classical Trilogy 2

 Tolkien‘s trilogy of tales told: Fantastic beings in an imaginary land brought to life by the words of a master inspired me to write the following songs.

Click on each image to listen to the sounds of Middle Earth as interpreted by me on the piano.



Elrond’s Forest Council

Amid the forest green and the deepening dusk,  fires reflect the hastening uncertainty of decisions to be made by a few.  A procession forms.  Solemn and majestic.  At twilight on steeds of silver and gold ride the members of Elrond’s forest council.



The Mines of Moria



Foolish and proud you let yourself be known. Gaze deep and let the eye take you.  Beware of all that is near and dear.  Let it go and run and hide for your mind is now posessed by the fear that stalks you.  I saw the future in The Pool of the Morning Stars.






Delicate, magical and mystical, she was Mother Earth and Lady Spring.  Everything she touched blossomed and the Hobbits loved her. She was the morning sun and the evening star. She was known for her long golden tresses that fell below her shoulders.

Goldberry is the inspiration for this next song I would like to share from My Classical Trilogy. Just click on the link to listen.

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Space is timeless but our lives here on earth are measured by the clock or hourglass. I wrote this song while I was in a metaphysical mood late one evening.

I am sharing it here in tribute to The Apollo 11 Astronauts and the first landing of man on the moon on July 20th 1969.

The lyrics are as follows. Give it a listen and tell me what you think.


Click on image to listen to Hourglass

I feel the hour is near and the moon has slipped away

The early dawn will light the pad in nightfall’s last embrace

Timeless secrets are locked into the stars

Mysteries forever past I will go that far

Will our race go on reaching out through space

The sands of time I left behind are sifting out of place

I know you’re searching I hope that you will find

The endless being that you are is born within your mind

I’m lifting off in summer I know I’m leaving seasons

I see I’m trailing sunsets mornings just goodbye

I’m past the obligations I’m looking down on nations

I know I’m leaving all the weight I left behind

The weight I left behind

Visions are getting clearer my eyelids slowly close

A single embryonic destiny has journeyed to my soul

At once all life began and with a cosmic burst

As galaxies of dustless gas filled the universe

From blinding speed of orbit where planets lie in row

Beyond the blue one near the sun where love was meant to grow

I’m lifting off in summer I know I’m leaving seasons

I see I’m trailing sunset mornings just goodbye

I’m past the obligations I’m looking out on nations

I know I’m leaving all the weight I left behind

The weight of all mankind

Rich Kids

Click on image to listen

I’ll take you once let me take you some more

My swimming pool has a gold-tiled floor

I’m spending money cause Dad’s working hard

I have been taking charge

You see me wearing the fashion that’s right

I’ll drive my XKE that he signed

It helps me makes me feel like a man

Come on baby, I’ve got cash on hand

Cause we’re the rich kids and were making a hit

Rich kids we’ll do what we wish

Rich kids Rich kids

I like the girls I do as well as I can

Don’t need to study when you cheat on exams

You’re drinking beer when I’m pouring champagne

I’ll carry on in the family name

I don’t have to apologise

I’ll do what I want for the rest of my life

I’ve always got more funds than I need

I steal hub caps, what a thrill it’s a breeze

My friends and I we take what we need

Life is easy pass the cocaine please

I’ll take you once let me take you some more

My swimming pool has a gold-tiled floor

I’m spending money cause Dad’s working hard

I have been taking charge

Cause we’re the rich kids and were making a hit

Rich kids we’ll do what we wish

Rich kids Rich kids

I don’t have to apologise

I’ll do what I want for the rest of my life

I did this on a lark with the idea of writing a song about someone who was the opposite of me. It was recorded back in the day when we didn’t really care so much about anything but having fun.

I found the song in my attic, it was just taking up space so I decided to share it with you.

Warm Regards,


Classical Trilogy

I first started writing songs when I was nineteen. I was a jumble of emotions back then just like a lot of teenagers. I was lucky enough to have this musical spark in me and I felt the need to express myself musically. At the time I had just finished reading “Lord of the Rings Trilogy by J.R.R. Tolkien and I was inspired to do a musical background for the books.

This was my first attempt at songwriting and it was a little daunting at the beginning but after the first few tries my confidence grew. My imagination ran wild as I brought Middle Earth to life. I was inspired by the mystical atmosphere, vivid landscapes, horrible monsters and great villains created by Tolkien’s imagination.   It turned out to be a major project. When I was finally finished I had 25 songs under my belt and that felt good. I felt at that point I could do anything.

Time has passed but Classical Trilogy always remained a favorite. When the movies came out it was interesting to see how the film makers expressed themselves. I think they did a good job with the movie and the music but I think I did pretty O.K. too. I’d like to share with you a sampling of three of the songs in Classical Trilogy. Please give a listen and tell me what you think. Click on the titles to listen. Thanks.


 The Departure of Boromir

Fond Farwells

Sounds from the Golden Hall

Fool of the Day

I initially started writing this song with your typical member of the mafioso in mind.  As time progressed, so did the lyrics and I found myself echoing the protests of the day, It morphed itself into a tale of corruption but this time on the “legal” side of the law. Shining the light of day on the criminal element of Wall Street. If you ask my opinion; I say a crook is a crook and who is the fool of the day?


Your pockets are full there’s change in the town

Old habits die hard corruption abounds

Men are made in the family way that’s the theme boy

For the fool of the day


Life is easy I’m getting rich

I’m passing bills without a glitch

Don’t get caught cause then you’ll pay the price boy

For the fool of the day


Take me break me the times have made me

Laws are meant to be broken by me

And in my fallen glory I’ll tell you my story

And I’ll never agree to cop to a plea no siree


I’m not worries about the government man

The dreams I had are over things got way out of hand

I watched my back and stayed discreet

And I was set up from a one to a three


Take me break me the times have made me

 Laws are meant to be broken by me

And in my fallen glory I’ll tell you my story

And I’ll make bail that’s a bona-fide guarantee

Your pockets are full there’s change in the town

Old habits die hard corruption abounds

Men are made in the family way that’s the theme boy

You’re the fool of the day

Click here to listen to FOOL OF THE DAY

Copyright © 2012 by Marc C. Miller


Pandora’s Box


Being so moved by the events of September 11, 2001. I needed to express my feelings about that fateful day in song. Although it has been more than a decade, my memories of that day and the history that followed are strong and clear. 

I wrote the following song “Pandora’s Box” as a warning to the future just as much as a memory of the past.

Pandora’s Box (click to listen)

Bottles in ice toasting higher places

Blacked out rooftops are included with such.

Weapons of war rise among the towers

Pandora’s Box has now been touched

Burning bridges across the water

Tanks roll there’s trouble along the way

I see the sky’s on fire

Night it seems has turned to day

Basement dwellings amid the thunder

Highlights low tones savor it all

Blinding battles in spite of the weather

Win or lose who can recall

Copyright   ©2012 by Marc C. Miller

Pandora’s Box (click to listen)